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Англо-русский дипломатический словарь - chapel


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  folk нонконформисты CHAPEL noun  1) часовня; церковь (тюремная, полковая, домовая и т.п.)  2) obs. капелла; неангликанская церковь; молельня  3) богослужение, служба в часовне  4) певческая капелла (обыкн. придворная)  5) типография; коллектив/собрание типографских рабочих to call a chapel - созвать коллектив типографии на собрание  6) attr. - chapel folk ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. церк. часовня chapel of ease —- часовня приходской церкви (для прихожан из других деревень) 2. (небольшая) церковь, капелла (домовая, тюремная, полковая, при учебном заведении и т. п.) 3. молельня 4. придел 5. неангликанская церковь; сектанский храм (в Англии любой христианский храм, кроме англиканского и католического; часто пренебр.) the villagers are mostly chapel —- жители деревни большей частью неангликанского вероисповедания chapel folk —- пренебр. нонконформисты; не принадлежащие к англиканской церкви, сектанты 6. хор певчих; певческая капелла (особ. придворная) 7. богослужение, служба в часовне, университетской капелле и т. п. to miss chapel —- пропустить богослужение there is chapel today after lessons —- сегодня после уроков учеников собирают на молитву 8. ист. церковная утварь 9. местное отделение профсоюза печатников 10. собрание членов такого отделения 11. похоронное бюро 12. "часовня", ритуальное помещение (в похоронном бюро) ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1) общ. (небольшая) церковь, капелла, часовня, молельня, придел (находящееся в частном пользовании место для проведения служб) hospital chapel — церковь при больнице prison chapel — тюремная церковь ship's chapel — корабельная церковь 2) общ. неангликанская церковь chapel folk — нонконформисты nonconformist chapel — нонконформистская церковь 3) общ. хор певчих, певческая капелла (обычно придворная) 4) общ. богослужение, служба в школьной, университетской и т. п. капелле to keep one's chapels — регулярно посещать службу 5) а) эк. тр., брит. (подразделение профсоюза типографских или газетных работников, действующее на определенном предприятии) See: father of chapel, mother of chapel, branch б) эк. тр., брит. (члены такой профсоюзной организации) в) эк. тр., брит. (собрание членов такой профсоюзной организации) 6) общ. похоронное бюро; похоронный зал Syn: funeral home ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  часовня; придел; капелла ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  типография ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. 1 a a place for private Christian worship in a large church or esp. a cathedral, with its own altar and dedication (Lady chapel). b a place of Christian worship attached to a private house or institution. 2 Brit. a a place of worship for nonconformist bodies. b (predic.) an attender at or believer in nonconformist worship (they are strictly chapel). c a chapel service. d attendance at a chapel. 3 an Anglican church subordinate to a parish church. 4 Printing a the members or branch of a printers' trade union at a specific place of work. b a meeting of them. Phrases and idioms chapel of ease an Anglican chapel for the convenience of remote parishioners. chapel of rest an undertaker's mortuary. chapel royal a chapel in a royal palace. father of chapel (or the chapel) the shop steward of a printers' chapel. Etymology: ME f. OF chapele f. med.L cappella dimin. of cappa cloak: the first chapel was a sanctuary in which St Martin's sacred cloak (cappella) was preserved ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French ~e, from Medieval Latin cappella, from diminutive of Late Latin cappa cloak; from the cloak of Saint Martin of Tours preserved as a sacred relic in a ~ built for that purpose  Date: 13th century  1. a subordinate or private place of worship: as  a. a place of worship serving a residence or institution  b. a small house of worship usually associated with a main church  c. a room or recess in a church for meditation and prayer or small religious services  2. a place of worship used by a Christian group other than an established church a nonconformist ~  3. a choir of singers belonging to a ~  4. a ~ service or assembly at a school or college  5. an association of the employees in a printing office  6.  a. funeral home  b. a room for funeral services in a funeral home ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (chapels) 1. A chapel is a part of a church which has its own altar and which is used for private prayer. ...the chapel of the Virgin Mary. N-COUNT: oft the N of n 2. A chapel is a small church attached to a hospital, school, or prison. We married in the chapel of Charing Cross Hospital in London. N-COUNT 3. A chapel is a building used for worship by members of some Christian churches. Chapel refers to the religious services that take place there. ...a Methodist chapel... On Sundays, the family went three times to chapel. N-VAR ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 a small church or a room in a hospital, prison etc in which Christians pray and have religious services 2 a small church or a room or area in a church with its own altar used especially for private prayer and religious services  (a wedding chapel in Las Vegas) 3 a) a building in England or Wales where Christians who are Nonconformists have religious services b) a Roman Catholic church in Scotland 4 the religious services held in a chapel  (go to chapel)  (Bethann goes to chapel every Sunday.) 5 BrE the members of a union (=workers' organization) in the newspaper or printing industry ~2 adj BrE informal Nonconformist  (He's chapel but his wife is Roman Catholic.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - c.1200, from O.Fr. chapele, from M.L. cappella "chapel, sanctuary for relics," lit. "little cape," dim. of L.L. cappa "cape," originally the sanctuary in France in which the cape of St. Martin of Tours was preserved, meaning extended in most European languages to any sanctuary. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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